Monday, October 13, 2008


I keep being bugged for this little race report and since its oh so late....Here it is....
First the training. I did a lot and I mean a lot. Some VERY easy and some VERY hard. I started Monday December 10th. These numbers do not include IM
For the numbers people:
Swim: 120,000 yards
Bike: 6871 miles
Run : 1456 miles
Where did all this leave me, the fittest I have ever been, but sometimes that not good enough.
The swim: started out fast and I was lucky enough to be on the line about 50ft from the dock. I just swam as hard as I could until everyone settled down and then it was cruise control for the next 2.2 miles. 59:14 (I think) I should have swam faster and pushed the last .5 mile, next year.
The bike was nuts, period. I had a power number that I was to ride by like it was my job. In the first 10 miles, about 1 million people went FLYING by me. Old people, Fat people and people who I beat at half IMs by a few hours. Riddle me this batman, why are people in the big ring standing up hill in the first 45 mins of IM? Anyways, I rode the best I could watching the number. A little PSA for the to be IMers, dont be that guy killing it in the first 1hr of the race, if you do, get off your bike because your race is over. For the details, I ate 2 powerbars and a lot of gels, I also had a few water bottles of sports drink. 5:42 (slow)
The Run: As I ran out of T2 I saw Courtney and Chrissie on the side of the road, this is what I hear "Only a marathon to go" yea thanks.
Just like the bike, I had a pace I was to hold as long as humanly possible, for me not being a good runner, it was 7m/m. I just ran and ran, while eating of course. At some point around mile 21 my mind shut off and I just ran (while looking at my garmin, of course) This is the point I had waited for ALL year, cuz every thing you do is to get to this point good condition. I was feeling really really good, but I was surprised at how much the effort level had gone up, if someone had come up to me and asked my pace, I would have said 5:40 but I was running 7:21's.
I came up the hill at mile 24 and it started to hit, this damn thing was almost over. The run was really starting to get hard but I know I had to keep the effort high. Down the little out and back (which seemed longer the second time) and the long await right down to the oval, around and to the finish. Sounds gay but right into Snows arms for a big hug, then to pizza and cookies (the first in about 15 weeks) 3:12
total 10:02:48. 90 second from a plane ride to Kona. Which at first I was ok with, but watching two days ago on my computer, it really pissed me off. Next year, hopefully. So like I said, I was happy with it, but sometimes being happy with it is not good enough. 18days until next season training starts.................