Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Cait ( did a VERY good job summarizing the day and I don’t want to be repetitive so I’ll only add a few things of my own:

The Pemigewasset (Pemi) Loop is ranked as the second hardest day hike in the US with a book time just over 20 hrs. We (Jesse, Cait, Tim and I) did it in 14:42:50.

My Garmin has a max speed of 9.9 MPH as we chased Tim in the closing miles of our little 31.2 mile hike through the woods. That speed could’ve been as I was flying through the air after kicking a rock, because I was looking at my trusty Timex trying to see if we could beat last years time (note to self after 14:30 hrs and in the dark, just run). I hit the ground like a ton of bricks, rolled over my backpack,popped back up and was in a full on sprint trying to catch Jesse and Cait. As soon as I caught back up, they stopped for a pee brake and to put head lamps on. While we were stopped, Cait went through every emotion imaginable and I was pretty sure, when we caught Tim, I would lose a friend.

Once out of the woods, we downed some R4 (Remember, we had to be on the bikes in 10 hrs), changed, and drove back to civilization for some food.

We will get under 14 hrs….but it will have to wait till next June.