Friday, April 25, 2008

Are bugs on the core?

Yesterday was a long day in Wheelerland. Another 6 hr ride and 60 min
run. The ride went by fast as I was doing just over two he loops so I
could come back and take the dogs out. I ended up with about 124
miles. I had 3 powerbars, 9 bottles of endurance 7 gels and about 400
nats.... Gross...Then came the run.....60 mins which felt like it took
longer then the ride. I felt like a hero the first 20 mins then I was
a wreck for 10 min untill the bag of cliff blocks kicked in. Then I
fmlt good again. I finshed up at 7:45 by 7:55 the mdium pizza I had my
sister order for m was gone. I stretched took the dogs out and went to
6:30 am today I am backout on the road for thee first hour of my two
hour split run. 34 mins @ Z1 26 mins@ Z2. I was in tough shape for
those first 34 mins. Once done with that I had 20 mins to eat change
and be on the bike for 2 hrs. After that I had 8 mins to eat take the
dogs our and leave for class, yup thats right 3 hrs sofar and no
shower. I am on my way to the second run right now so I will only b a
little late for work.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Its now Wednesday and I am still feeling the weekend ride of 127 miles
and the 60 min transition run.
Saturday night I slammed my left big toe into a slab on wood, the
whole toe is black and blue. I still can't walk on it. I am getting my
runs in mostly because I have no choice LP is less then 12 weeks away
and running is my major weekness besides my bike and swim. It feels
like I was in line signing up last week.
Tomorrow will be another long day, 6 hr ride, 65 min run and I am
swimming in the am before class. I'll be working out till almost 9pm.
Courtney is in Florida for the week so its just me and the ladies.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Wow what a day,Court Brian an I went into watch the woman Olympic
marathon trials, unbelieveable. Those girls are so fast and skinny.
They must be on the core diet. I like the format they use, 1 race 1
day, to see who goes, not this 19 chances crap they use in triathlon.
I think that's what its all about who can make everyday of training
come out on 1 day - 2:30 hrs.
Walking through the pru when we got there we passed Ryan hall and
while driving out Peter Reid ran passed us.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday = BST

This morning I had a 4.7k swim. We call it Monster Set, it pretty much sucks balls, but its a good way to swim 4.7k pretty much non stop. I was doing everything off 1:30 base and swimming 1:20's the whole time. I know its not fast but its not all that bad either.
The set looks like this
1000 leaving on 15mins
9 x 100 on 1:30
4 x 200 on 3
7 x 100 on 1:30
600 swim on 9mins
5 x 100 = 4500 after that i did 16 x 25 on 22 seconds all out so I was getting about 7-8 seconds rest.
Next up is 3hrs on the trainer with 3 x 10 mins @ 290w and a 50 min run. FUN STUFF.
Our second dog, Chloe, gets spayed tomorrow morning, I will miss her tomorrow as she always jumps on my keyboard and messes up what I am trying to do.
I went to Ironman Lake Placid's website today and saw that it is a little over 12 weeks away, seems like just yesterday we were standing in line trying to sign up.
Will I be ready.......?

Monday, April 14, 2008


Another solid weekend of training is in the books. Saturday was a
snafu from the begining,with starting, caits cassette falling off and
two flats. But in the end we finished with 105 miles and a good run.
Sunday started with a 2 hr ride that was very easy. I was able to get
a lot if homework done and later in the day did my 2 hr run. I felt
really good for the first 85 mins then it was a struggle, good thing I
only had 18 mins of Z2.
Walking to class today, two over weight moms passed and then gaped me
while pushing a stroller, that when I knew it was a good weekend.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Today the family and I went to Westfield and I raced in the Half marathon they have there. It was a solid race, with lots of hill, the first 4 miles were either straight up or down. There was a few times when I was about ready throw in the towel, once the road turned down I was able to pick the pace back up and recover a bit. The guy in front on me was all over the road, I made time up as I ran a near perfect course, every single corner was cut perfect. I started to feel better as we got deeper into the race, by about mile 7 was I was feeling good and threw down 5:54's until mile 11 where the road turn back up and into a headwind. I ended up with 1:20:43 Not bad but again not all that good.
Tomorrow starts back into regular training, next up is devilman.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Does it make me a bad person when at school while being stocked for my parking spot I will intentionally walk in to wrong lane and then shoot over so the person following me in their car has to drive all the way around??