Monday, October 13, 2008


I keep being bugged for this little race report and since its oh so late....Here it is....
First the training. I did a lot and I mean a lot. Some VERY easy and some VERY hard. I started Monday December 10th. These numbers do not include IM
For the numbers people:
Swim: 120,000 yards
Bike: 6871 miles
Run : 1456 miles
Where did all this leave me, the fittest I have ever been, but sometimes that not good enough.
The swim: started out fast and I was lucky enough to be on the line about 50ft from the dock. I just swam as hard as I could until everyone settled down and then it was cruise control for the next 2.2 miles. 59:14 (I think) I should have swam faster and pushed the last .5 mile, next year.
The bike was nuts, period. I had a power number that I was to ride by like it was my job. In the first 10 miles, about 1 million people went FLYING by me. Old people, Fat people and people who I beat at half IMs by a few hours. Riddle me this batman, why are people in the big ring standing up hill in the first 45 mins of IM? Anyways, I rode the best I could watching the number. A little PSA for the to be IMers, dont be that guy killing it in the first 1hr of the race, if you do, get off your bike because your race is over. For the details, I ate 2 powerbars and a lot of gels, I also had a few water bottles of sports drink. 5:42 (slow)
The Run: As I ran out of T2 I saw Courtney and Chrissie on the side of the road, this is what I hear "Only a marathon to go" yea thanks.
Just like the bike, I had a pace I was to hold as long as humanly possible, for me not being a good runner, it was 7m/m. I just ran and ran, while eating of course. At some point around mile 21 my mind shut off and I just ran (while looking at my garmin, of course) This is the point I had waited for ALL year, cuz every thing you do is to get to this point good condition. I was feeling really really good, but I was surprised at how much the effort level had gone up, if someone had come up to me and asked my pace, I would have said 5:40 but I was running 7:21's.
I came up the hill at mile 24 and it started to hit, this damn thing was almost over. The run was really starting to get hard but I know I had to keep the effort high. Down the little out and back (which seemed longer the second time) and the long await right down to the oval, around and to the finish. Sounds gay but right into Snows arms for a big hug, then to pizza and cookies (the first in about 15 weeks) 3:12
total 10:02:48. 90 second from a plane ride to Kona. Which at first I was ok with, but watching two days ago on my computer, it really pissed me off. Next year, hopefully. So like I said, I was happy with it, but sometimes being happy with it is not good enough. 18days until next season training starts.................

Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Sorry, I have not been updating this quote thing, but its slow around the shop. But the good news Wilson and I are in first place in the football pool. 427 teams and we are number one.
Tonight as I was mapping out a ride for tomorrow, I put in my address to see how many miles it was and I did "street view" and what do I see? Myself and Court packing her car for a race. Pretty crazy stuff. But Hey I made Google!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008


Well its Football season and for 23 years this has meant nothing to me, but now its a pretty big deal. I was entered into a little pool at work and I want to win. I have spent the past few days looking at stats and player info to learn the game in order to win this pool. So far we (Greg and I) are doing pretty well, only 15 more weeks to go.
Also I have been receiving some flack from an unnamed source (Kim) about not updating this thing a lot. So the other day I was thinking about things to update with until the training get fun again. I came up with, "Customer Quote of The Day" this might turn into "Quote of The Week" but I'll try. This came up because of the crazies that come into our store. Many think they are rock star athletes. I usually go along with this because you never know until...wait for it..."The Quote of The Day"
To the people I may quote, if you read this and are offended I am sorry, but know that you made my day and I am not laughing at you.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Pandora Radio.........1 of the greatest things ever??......I think so.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


Well we made it. 14 hours and 38 minutes later we walked out of he
woods, having just completed the 2nd hardest day hike in the US.
31.5 miles.
More later....

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Full Steam Ahead

Well This week started back into full training for two reasons.
1) Its only August with a half iron and a Marathon to go. I have to get back into shape and loose some weight.
2) The IM is less then a year away, and Kona doesn't go to those who wait.

Today was the typical Sunday workout, Tabata intervals on the bike, and nice 4500 yard swim and a 75 mins run with bounding. Did I mention bounding sucks!?
Next Monday Jesse, Tim, Cait,Chrissy and I are doing the Pemi Loop in NH. Its said to be the 2nd hardest 1 day hike in the US. Not bad for someone who has never hiked a day in their life.  We will see how it goes, or you might see us on the news and then you'll be able to see how it went.....

Thursday, August 7, 2008


Well today is another long day, first long day since IM. 5 hour bike
50 min run, nothing crazy. The best part, its raining I am sick of
training in the rain.

Sunday, August 3, 2008


Today was the Wild Cat sprint triathlon up in good old super clean
Lowell mass. Last night at our little team dinner kropelnicki decides
to race.
Race morning come pretty quick so its up take the dogs out and back
the bags, a little different then IM where I spent DAYS packing.
Anyways we are in the water getting ready toswin the 400 yards. I knew
this was going to be fast and it was for 350 yards until a lifeguard
on a surf board comes out of no where and I swam staright in the
corner. ( i have a good bump on my forehead) I lost a few seconds
going around her. Out of the water in 5:18 and 6th place, hammer
through transition and onto the bike in 2nd place. My legs are still
wrecked from ironman so I started out hard and fast knowning I was
going to slow the whole way. I kept jesse in veiw for the first 15
mins then I lost him on an uphill. 10.9 miles later I'm off the bike.
29 seconds later running shoes are on and I am running flat out
because I knew Hughes was coming hard 1.3 miles later I was at the
turned around and headed home.
I ended up second about 1 min off of Jesse and 3 mins ahead of third.
Its nice to race flat out for 48 mins. 2 weeks ago I still had 10 mins
to swim and another 9hrs of racing.

Thursday, July 31, 2008


Well today became a star studded ride. I set out for 180 mins of Z1
fun, within 45 mins I came up on Alica (shoemakers wife) and her
friend stacy, who looked like a cycling rock star (still looking into
it) after about 10 mins they went left I went right. I stopped to pee
and because no matter where you stop to pee, the road becomes the mass
pike at 4 pm on a Friday. Once I was finally able to pee and get backk
going I saw Ethan Brown up the road once I caught him we rode togther
for about 60 mins shooting the shit. Meeting up with him helped the
tie go by.
On a second note I am racing this weekend in Lowell. The wild cat
sprint. Local hero/ washed up pro (just kidding) Brian Hughes will be
there also. When we first became friends I told him in 5 years I would
beat him in a race. I have not came through yet, I don't think I am
going to start on Sunday either. Should be fun.
Till next time....

Thursday, July 24, 2008


90 seconds is what I misses a plane ride in oct by. 90 seconds.. I
would do the whole race over again right now for those 90 seconds.
Next year.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

17 days and 3 key workouts to go.
Its starting to get real now.... The good news is my sleep log shows I
am averaging 8.15 hours of sleep a night with over 2 weeks to get it
up to 8.5 or better

Tuesday, July 1, 2008


19 days. It seems like 2 weeks ago I was standing in line signing up.
Every single swim bike and run has been for this 1 day.
Every passed up cookie, pizza and ice cream has been for this 1 day.
Every missed dog walk and all the hours away from Courtney have been
for this one day. .....

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My new job, as you can see it doesnt pay well.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

What a day

Another long day at the Wheelercamp, 115 mile ride and 8 mile run.
7:02 total training hours for the day. Not to bad. Yesterday was a 2
hr shit show of a ride 13.3 mph avg, I was pretty wrecked from
Tuesday's big day.
So, as you can see I have started my life as a fake pro. I say fake
for a few reasons.
1- I'm to slow to be pro.
2- I still work 25 hrs a week.
3- I can't sleep in till 8:30 work out, nap, do a 90 min ride, get a
free rub down and then go get a free bike.
4- did I mention I am to slow?
Anyways tomorrow is the 2 and 2 which will have me walking into work
late again.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So I broke down and bought one on Sunday.  With REI's price, it was very hard to pass up.  I used it today while out running and its cool to see your pace at that very second.  I think it will help with pacing on the long Z2 stuff, mile repeats and the 2 x 5k which is right around the corner.
Wow yesterday was pretty windy and cold, for some reason I was a dumbass and didn't dress well for the type of weather and was frozen 2 hrs in so I had to cut the ride short by 10 mins and then I was onto the 35 min ZR transition run, with gloves and a hat!!! in MAY!!!  The good news for the day I was able to use my cliff bar hot chocolate mix, ummmmm.
Today I threw down a 5000 yards swim broken up into various 200's.  Then I had to drive to school for my last final, intro to computers, a joke of a class if you ask me, so I hammered the final, came home had 3 eggs and an English muffin, then it was a 2.5 trainer ride with 8 x 2.5 BSE ( Best Sustainable Effort) 2.5 mins EZ.  I am not sure what sucks more BST's or BSE's.  BST's hurt like a half ironman, the pain creeps up until its unbearable, then you still have 3 mins left, whereas BSE's especially 2.5 mins, hurt like hell from the beginning.  I used 295 watts through the first 4 and 300 for the last 4, not rock star numbers but  remember its an even effort throughout. 
Then onto the 50 min, 7 mile, Z1 run. Good stuff and a solid day in the Wheelercamp.

Friday, May 9, 2008


The more I think about taking up golf the better it sounds. I mean you
only play when its nice out and you can drive a cart. Why am I
thinking about golf you ask, well because 4 days after a Half ironman
where I dug pretty deep, I am going doing the 6 and 60. The qt2
ironman prep workout. 6 hrs on the bike and a 60 min run.
The first 5 hrs went good, then it went down hill quick. I couldn't
stay in Z1, hell I was able to get there, my mind started to wonder
and at times I was just going through the motions. Because LP doesnt
care if I wanted or didn't want to be out there, of only care if I
was. Did I mention the first 3 hrs it was pooring rain. Then came the
run, nothing special to report here, got it done not super fast but
I'd done. Atlest I have a week before it starts all over again. Today
is the 2 and 2. I am almost done with the ride, then I have to take a
Spanish final, come home run and go right to work and stand for the
next 6 hrs. Did I mention I hate my job and can't wait to leave?!!!
Anyways... See you at the links.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Went well. 4:16:22. It was a pretty quick course with lots of wind,
mostly a headwind. Once on the run my goal was to run 6:15 pace for as
long as possible. I went between 6:05 and 6:10 for the first 8 miles
mostly because I knew Cait was hunting me down. After mile 8 it was a
struggle to hold pace with the said headwind, but I was able to
average 6:21. The run course was about half mile long. I was able to
hold off Cait, we ran almost the same pace so we both blew up t the
same time.
Qt2 kicked ass 4 guys in the top 10 and the womans overall win.
Everyone had a PR. Training protocol, I think so.
As a side note there is one athlete who I believe J krops could make a
world champion but said athlete would never leave their coach, sadly.

Thursday, May 1, 2008


Is only a few days away and I feel terrible. My swimming is at its
worst, bike and run paces are slow as hell.
So we will see how it goes??

Friday, April 25, 2008

Are bugs on the core?

Yesterday was a long day in Wheelerland. Another 6 hr ride and 60 min
run. The ride went by fast as I was doing just over two he loops so I
could come back and take the dogs out. I ended up with about 124
miles. I had 3 powerbars, 9 bottles of endurance 7 gels and about 400
nats.... Gross...Then came the run.....60 mins which felt like it took
longer then the ride. I felt like a hero the first 20 mins then I was
a wreck for 10 min untill the bag of cliff blocks kicked in. Then I
fmlt good again. I finshed up at 7:45 by 7:55 the mdium pizza I had my
sister order for m was gone. I stretched took the dogs out and went to
6:30 am today I am backout on the road for thee first hour of my two
hour split run. 34 mins @ Z1 26 mins@ Z2. I was in tough shape for
those first 34 mins. Once done with that I had 20 mins to eat change
and be on the bike for 2 hrs. After that I had 8 mins to eat take the
dogs our and leave for class, yup thats right 3 hrs sofar and no
shower. I am on my way to the second run right now so I will only b a
little late for work.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Its now Wednesday and I am still feeling the weekend ride of 127 miles
and the 60 min transition run.
Saturday night I slammed my left big toe into a slab on wood, the
whole toe is black and blue. I still can't walk on it. I am getting my
runs in mostly because I have no choice LP is less then 12 weeks away
and running is my major weekness besides my bike and swim. It feels
like I was in line signing up last week.
Tomorrow will be another long day, 6 hr ride, 65 min run and I am
swimming in the am before class. I'll be working out till almost 9pm.
Courtney is in Florida for the week so its just me and the ladies.

Sunday, April 20, 2008


Wow what a day,Court Brian an I went into watch the woman Olympic
marathon trials, unbelieveable. Those girls are so fast and skinny.
They must be on the core diet. I like the format they use, 1 race 1
day, to see who goes, not this 19 chances crap they use in triathlon.
I think that's what its all about who can make everyday of training
come out on 1 day - 2:30 hrs.
Walking through the pru when we got there we passed Ryan hall and
while driving out Peter Reid ran passed us.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Tuesday = BST

This morning I had a 4.7k swim. We call it Monster Set, it pretty much sucks balls, but its a good way to swim 4.7k pretty much non stop. I was doing everything off 1:30 base and swimming 1:20's the whole time. I know its not fast but its not all that bad either.
The set looks like this
1000 leaving on 15mins
9 x 100 on 1:30
4 x 200 on 3
7 x 100 on 1:30
600 swim on 9mins
5 x 100 = 4500 after that i did 16 x 25 on 22 seconds all out so I was getting about 7-8 seconds rest.
Next up is 3hrs on the trainer with 3 x 10 mins @ 290w and a 50 min run. FUN STUFF.
Our second dog, Chloe, gets spayed tomorrow morning, I will miss her tomorrow as she always jumps on my keyboard and messes up what I am trying to do.
I went to Ironman Lake Placid's website today and saw that it is a little over 12 weeks away, seems like just yesterday we were standing in line trying to sign up.
Will I be ready.......?

Monday, April 14, 2008


Another solid weekend of training is in the books. Saturday was a
snafu from the begining,with starting, caits cassette falling off and
two flats. But in the end we finished with 105 miles and a good run.
Sunday started with a 2 hr ride that was very easy. I was able to get
a lot if homework done and later in the day did my 2 hr run. I felt
really good for the first 85 mins then it was a struggle, good thing I
only had 18 mins of Z2.
Walking to class today, two over weight moms passed and then gaped me
while pushing a stroller, that when I knew it was a good weekend.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Today the family and I went to Westfield and I raced in the Half marathon they have there. It was a solid race, with lots of hill, the first 4 miles were either straight up or down. There was a few times when I was about ready throw in the towel, once the road turned down I was able to pick the pace back up and recover a bit. The guy in front on me was all over the road, I made time up as I ran a near perfect course, every single corner was cut perfect. I started to feel better as we got deeper into the race, by about mile 7 was I was feeling good and threw down 5:54's until mile 11 where the road turn back up and into a headwind. I ended up with 1:20:43 Not bad but again not all that good.
Tomorrow starts back into regular training, next up is devilman.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Does it make me a bad person when at school while being stocked for my parking spot I will intentionally walk in to wrong lane and then shoot over so the person following me in their car has to drive all the way around??

Sunday, March 30, 2008


Thats what I feel like I have been run over by. A big bus. Today I was another long day. It started at 5am sharp when Kona had to pee. It worked out well for me because I was pretty shelled from Saturdays workouts that I would've probably not have gotten up with the alarm. So once Kona peed and ate, I was on the bike again on the TRAINER for a ZR 2 hrs, before Courtney and I left for the expo at 8:30 am.
The expo opened up around 10 am, we were slammed till 1:30. Non stop people buying stuff, crazyness. When It finally got quite, around 1:45 I left for my 2 hr Z1/Z2 run along the Charles river. It was really nice and something I have never done before. The best part was how little I had to run on pavement. There is a nice little path the whole way. Its odd to see how the other half live. I am so used to running by myself, being able to pee in the woods when needed, and seeing no one else running.
Anyways I am falling asleep, till next time


Once again I was on the trainer for my long ride. Brain, KP and I
tried to get out side but there was way to much ice on the road. We
got 1 hr in before we called it, so I set up my trainer at FS and rode
for another 5 hrs. Oh by the way they're in the process of moving so
I have no fan or radio. After the ride I had a short 50 min run.
Then it was start to work to help B pack up for the expo. 4 hrs later
we were at MIT setting up, we didnt leave there until 9:30 or so. Long
day, really really long. We made it home by 11 and I was asleep by
I was up at 5:30 so I can fit in my 2 hr ZR ride before we leave for
the expo. Which at some point I need to leave so I can get it my 2 hr
In other news all qt2systems athletes ripped it up at cali 70.3.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Almost done

Its been another solid week of training. Tuesday was a big day, with
for me a good swim of 4.7k then on to a ride with 3 x BST and a 40 min
run. Wednsday I was pretty junk, and it was an easy day. 60 min swim
90 min bike 35 min run all easy. All in all I should end up with 26-27
hrs to the week.
Other then training nothing special going on.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Salt lake

This is the last picture I have on my phone from the trip. I took it
on Friday morning on my way to class. The school is above the city, I
ran up here before class when It was still dark out so I could do my
bounding, when I got to the top I could see forever. I have never seen
mountains like this before and I was just a little impressed to say
the least.
Now its Back to the grind. I took yesterday super easy as I was junk
from the time changes and the weekend in general. I was surprized how
much the altitude took out of me.
I just finishd up a 4.7k swim and waiting for class to start. Still to
come is a 2.5 hr ride and 40 min run.

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Level 1

Its been a while again, courtney and I have been in Utah. I took the
level 1 triathlon coaching clinic. And who is there.... Thats right
macca, he is a cool guy, very funny and he has weak core haha.
More later we are about to be seated for our last dinner out west.

Monday, March 17, 2008

I Heart ZR Days

Yesterday went well, a solid 2hr of running to end the week. The first 80 mins went great, I was running well right around 7 min pace (Z1) then I started to feel the first week of Z2 work and Bounding, I managed to keep the pace even, until I had my Z2 work, 11mins. It was the first Z2 of the year, I was around 6:40 pace, not great but I'll get there.
Today was a rest day/ easy = ZR. It started with a wonderful 45 min swim at Y. I hate that place the pool is about 90 degrees and it brings out the crazy people.
Story # 1 I walk into the locker room to see a 65 year old man with his leg on the counter blow drying his BALLS. Thanks dude.
Story # 2 I was almost done with my swim, when all the old ladies who are there for water aerobics start their slow push across the pool, kinda like what hunters do when they are with a group looking for deer. So everyone doing laps is all of a sudden in 1 lane, no worries I have 2.5 mins left. I hit the wall when Ian Thrope Jr dives in (he is wearing a fire engine red Speedo) and throws down what looked like a sub 1 min 100 yard after that little display he completely blows up and does a little back stroke.
Then it was out the door for a 2.5 hr easy bike. I went 15mph the whole way with an avg hr of 114. Stupid easy. Now its time to stretch and go to work.

Saturday, March 15, 2008


The subject of my new post is the amount of time I spent on the computrainer at FS today with a big group. There was about 10 of us which made the time go by pretty fast. Today also started Z2 work on the end of the bike, 27 mins, pretty short I know, but it will build up to just under 2hrs. After the ride was another first of the year a T run off a long bike. It was pretty short 33 mins. The legs felt really good and I was running pretty strong.
While on the bike I think I scored a SRM from the owner of FS, which would be sweet, as my poor as ass can't afford a new one.
Tomorrow is 2 and 2 with some Z2 work on the end of the end, should be fun.
I am on spring break this week and I will be putting in some big training hours before we leave for Salt Lake.
On a side note, I really do not like cocky people whatsoever, they just piss me off. There will come a time when they are unable to back it up and I'll be right there to smack their ass as I run by.
Till next time, God Speed

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

So I have been a while for a while, it was a recovery week and a pretty boring week in general. Today is my birthday, the BIG 23.
Somehow for my swim I ended up 300 yards short. I wrote the workout down wrong and I am NOT happy about this little mishap whatsoever.
Monday started the Build Phase of training, I will be doing some really solid efforts in all sports. This is where the fun begins and I am about 7 week outs from my first half of the year. The Devilman down in NJ.
In the first 14 weeks of training, I managed to bring my Z1 run pace down my 2 1/2 minutes at the same HR. I was able to bring my 20min power up by 40 watts, without a single minute above 148hr (Z1 for the new readers out there)
Also I am being jerked around at school again about my classes. Why do people, who call themselves DR. by the way SUCKBALLS at their job and then screw me over again and again. Its almost funny.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Excuse me.....

So I am doing my swim today, 3k total w/ drills and 3 x 800 @ 800TT pace plus 10 seconds, which for my slow ass is 1:24/100yd. I am swimming along and 4 meat heads show up and get in the pool, I am almost done, 150 left, and these kids start doing the breast stoke ARCOSS the pool!!! WTF. I almost swam right into 1 of these kids. Didn't you see me swimming back? I mean I was here like 40 seconds ago!! After the swim I had about 25 mins before class so I went to the comuter cafe and picked up a banana and an orange. I was sitting there eating and doing school work, then I started to people watch, its one of my things...people watching....I couldn't believe what people were eating, bagels with butter andSODA (at 9am!?!) I'll stop there.....I have a 60mins Z1 ride and 35min ZR run to go...pretty easy stuff..

I was reading other athletes blogs a few mintues ago and it prompted this post. Its the first week of march and I can't believe the number of people who are sick, injured, and burntout ALREADY......but I bet you their FPT numbers are high. I just don't understand why people feel the need for that crap 52 weeks a year. More reasons for Z1 and correct nurtion..........I guess we will see once race season starts.

Monday, March 3, 2008


I am glad its over, that was a tough week of training. The legs never really got a chance to rest from the race on Sunday. I was pretty beat all week but I got it all in 13k in the pool 242 miles on the bike, and 49 on the run, not a bad week. I finished it up with 5hrs on the trainer at Fastsplits on Saturday. Sunday was 2 and 2. 2 hr ride 2 hr run. I have a very welcomed easy week that starts today. Courtney and I are off to Salt Lake City in just over two weeks. I am looking forward to the trip as I have never been out west.....

Friday, February 29, 2008

Sorry if I offend

Yesterday I had a 3 hr ride planned and it was 15 outside, so on the trainer...... again. I have come to like the trainer, I almost feel some times you can get a better workout in. Anyways I was watching the Tour of California that Courtney had taped for me, the taped stopped with 1.5 miles to go, just as they were attacking each other after they caught the guy who was making a crazy break for like 28 miles. I still don't know who won. Today was a 3k swim, when I got to the pool no one was there so I came back home for my 95 min run. A few things happened during that run which I found funny. First there was a dad waiting at the bus stop with his daughter. He looked like the dad from "Honey I shrunk the Kids" the funny part was he had a long coat and the hat with the flap that comes down and covers your ears and gloves on, but he was wearing shorts and shivering. He got all dressed up and didn't put pants on?? The second thing and the reason for my subject, I ran through the college and 2 girls were walking towards me and they commented on me being skinny, by commented I mean making fun of me. Of course they were "overweight" p/c for FAT!!! but that is the norm at BSC, with two DD and a starbucks on campus and less then 1 mile from each other what do you expect? I wanted to say something but I didn't have the balls, mostly because they were in my stomach, I should have bought the wind block craft shorts to wear under my running pants. My view on fat people is just laziness, I hear girls at school talking about their weight and all this diet stuff they are on, while drinking their large coffee with extra cream and 200 sugars while chewing a bagel. That's enough on Fat for the day. Off to the bike shop.....boring.... On tap for tomorrow is 5hr 40mins on the bike..........

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Did I mention fat people really piss me off? More later


Today was a 90 min run. About half way through (45mins for the math impaired) my legs pretty much said FU. They are toast from Sunday and yesterdays Z1 ride. I did get the whole run in, I can't afford to skip out on workouts especially running. Later tonight after work is 3k swimming at school.
Yesterday while swimming I was thinking about training and what different people do and why they do it. After 5 mins of research on the 'net I found atlest 15 different ways coaches train their athletes for IM. I think it all breaks down to 2 methods You have the FPT intervals now and longer stuff later (when the weather is nice.....wimps) and the longer stuff and intervals later people. I am a long now intervals later kinda guy. I can see where both ways make sense. I think 1 way (Jesse's way) is better. Side note, I have never done IM I am only 10 weeks into training for one. Why you might ask is our way better...well..... Look at the avg IM finisher, overweight, older,work,kids....all that life stuff. Avg finish time is 12hrs, why would it matter if this person can hold 285 watts for 1hr? does it sound cool in the middle of Feb? what about the ONE day all year when it MATTERS and they have a 7 hr bike split, do you hear those people say I wish I had done more FPT stuff?? They then go back and do more short hard stuff, without looking in the mirror.
What do I know though, I am just 22 and only a hack.
I guess it comes down to believing. Believing that no matter what protocol you use, that its right.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008


This post will be in two parts because I have to run for 35 mins @ ZR on the ol treadmill before dinner. Courtney is making her insane chili. Today started with a 3.5k swim at school. On the way I almost got hit by a mom dropping her kids off at school, she blew through a stop sign while on the cell phone and yelling at her kids. The only way it could have been better was if she was fat and eating a bagel!!......After the swim I went to class, while in class I got an email saying my other class was canceled. I bombed home and got on the bike for 2:20 @ Z1. Z1 pace is getting very hard to stay in, over 21mph on the flats 8 weeks ago I was going 14mph, that will lead me to my next post tonight after some home work.
Training protocols and intervals.

Monday, February 25, 2008


That is my Hyannis Half-marathon time. I know what you're thinking.....Did I get lost? Since it's a PR by over 4 minutes, and considering the time of the year and the phase of training I am in, I am happy for now. It was a solid training day 25 min warm up and a 35 min cool down, so 2:20 total and about 19 miles. Once we finished the cool down I got about 4 bagels and a bag of chips once that was in my belly, I changed and them Tim, Cait and Jesse and I went for a 3:20 ride around Hyannis. We then went to Ihop, and hit it HARD. I waited for Jesse to order and then got the same thing he did, Hearty Pancakes, a must next time you go to Ihop. On tap for toady is a easy 30 mins Swim and then a 60min ZR ride on the trainer. I need my running durability to get up to par or there is NO way my ass will be on a plane come OCT.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Pre- Gaming

Aka....carbo loading. This is the pancake I ate this morning while pre-
gaming, along with 4 pieces of toast, 2 eggs and homefries. I look
forward to long races just so I can eat this breakfast.
Today was supposed to be a 3k swim and an easy 50 min spin. I went to
the pool at the local Y which I hate cuz its 87 degrees. Of course its
full so I wait for 25min then leave all pissed off. This was not a
good week for swimming even though I got it all in except for this 1
which I'll make up Thursday.
To be continued....

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Today started promptly a 5:17 when Kona, woke up and decide she has to pee right then, and of course once Kona does the dog shaking thing, Chole wakes up and she also has to pee. I put collars on both and out we go. 35 mins later I am in my car driving to the pool. 3500 yards awaits, no alot to the swimmers out there, but to my land loving ass its a good swim. 65 mins later I am out and on my way home because I have 25 mins to eat ( 3 eggs on an English muffin) and be on the bike, so I can get my 2 hours in before class. I have been banished to the basement to ride the trainer because of grease stains on the rug.OOPS. No worries its only 100 degrees down there with the furnace going full steam. I did have a fan from 1962, but it finally died on me 2 days ago. RIP fan RIP. To pass the time I watched Wedding Crashers again, and it was even better. I missed some parts the first time around, I got them this time. I was off the bike with 20 mins to stretch, shower, eat and drive to class. Phew made it only 1 min late, but its a beginner Spanish class so its all freshman, who still like college and get to class early and are ready to go with books open way before its time. Senior classes may be harder but no one looks at you like an ass when you walk in late. Anyways then it was home with 90mins before work and a 35 min run to go. All done and at work for 2. That was my day, a day in the life of a college student trying to race Ironman.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

I am sitting at school waiting for my next class to start. Intro to
computers. Fun stuff, I use the class to catch up on all Internet
things, such as training research and other peoples blogs. Mostly
other athletes so I can see where they are training wise.
Training for me today was supposed to be a 3,000 swim of various
tempos and sets but because people are bad drivers it took me over an
hour to get to the pool. I only had 17mins to swim,so I just swam a
steady 17 mins. I'll make up he rest on Saturday morning. After class
is a 95 min Z1 run. Tonight is 100mins (1:40) Z1 on the trainer. Not a
bad day.
I am racing Hyannis half marathon on Sunday and I am looking foward to
it. Last year I went 1:24. I want to go under 1:20 this year but we
will see.....

Monday, February 18, 2008


Today was a 60 min R (recovery) ride and a lifting session. I hear many triathletes talking crap about weight lifting because "it will not make me fast" I call BS to that statement, true it may not raise my VO2 max, LT or lower 400 yard swim pace, but it will help me from getting injured over the course of a long season, which will raise the above mentioned. I also hear them say " I don't want to put on muscle because that will slow me down. Again BS, the vast majority of athletes do not know enough about the sheer volume of weights and the correct nutrition that is needed in order to put on weight from strength training. A reoccurring theme of this blog will be nutrition, only because I take my personal nutrition extremely serious, mostly because in the words of a famous hockey coach, Herb Brooks ," I do not have enough talent to win on talent alone"

This started about a year ago when I met Jesse, He changed my outlook on Day to day and Race nutrition.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

First Post

This is my first post to a blog of any kind. My girlfriend just started and she was on me to start here I am, blogging. This is a big step for me as I do not even have a myspace, shocking I know. Who under 25 does not have a myspace?
I plan on writing down my training / thoughts on training and life in general.